Ship Design
Every week, somewhere in the world, at least one new vessel designed by Robert Allan Ltd. enters service.
We are extremely proud of the diverse range of specialized craft designed by this firm throughout its long and successful history.
Robert Allan Ltd. has an experienced, professional staff of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers capable of tackling the most innovative and unusual design challenges. With a legacy of more than eight decades of design experience, there are very few vessel types in our field of work which have not already been developed in some form and which exist in our files at least as a basic reference. From initial concept studies to highly detailed production design work, the team at Robert Allan Ltd. has the experience, capabilities and capacity necessary for any commercial ship design project.
The scope of services offered ranges from concept studies through complete design documentation for contract bidding and Classification Society approval, to production working drawings and procurement support. Use of the latest in CADD technologies expedites and improves the accuracy of every aspect of the ship design process.
To learn more about the range of vessel designs and design services offered, see Designs. If you have a new or existing marine operation with a design challenge, we would be pleased to discuss your needs and put our imagination to work on your behalf. When you are ready to discuss a new design project, contact us at 1-604-736-9466.