RMK MARINE Delivers Two of Robert Allan Ltd.’s RAmparts 2500-SD Tugs to Local Client
April 27, 2020

Istanbul based RMK MARINE delivered 70 tonne bollard pull, RAmparts 2500-SD towing vessels T.DAMLA-8 and T.DAMLA-9 on January 31, 2020 and March 27, 2020 respectively to their local client. The vessels are based on Robert Allan Ltd.’s RAmparts 2500-W design, however, the design was modified to suit the requirements of the owner including a significant reduction in draft and thus the “SD” suffix is used to identify this new shallower draft class of tug.
The key hull particulars are as follows:
- Length, overall: 25.40 m
- Beam, moulded: 11.80 m
- Depth, least moulded: 4.60 m
- Harbour draft: 5.00 m
Primary tank capacities at 100% full are:
- Fuel oil: 72.9 m³
- Potable water: 9.8 m³
- Foam: 7.7 m³
The vessels are classed by ABS with the following notation:
✠ A1, Towing Vessel, FFV 1, ✠ AMS, QR, BP (+70), Unrestricted Service
The accommodations are outfitted to a high standard for a crew of six and in compliance with MLC requirements. The wheelhouse is designed with a single split control station with excellent visibility over both the fore and aft working decks. The efficiently laid out engine room includes a separate switchboard room.
Main propulsion consists of a pair of MTU 16V4000M63L diesel engines each rated 2,240 bkW at 1800 rpm driving Rolls Royce US 255S controllable pitch azimuthing drives through straight line carbon fibre shafts.
The electrical plant consists of two Margen packaged diesel gensets, each with a power output of 140 ekW, 50 Hz, 400 V.
Fi-Fi 1 capability is provided by a Marsis package featuring two main engine PTO driven pumpsets and two remote operated monitors model MF20-EF with 1200/300 m3/hour seawater/foam capacity.
Deck machinery on the foredeck features Data Hidrolik equipment including a DTH 70-130 towing hook and a DFW 45x180HZ split drum hydraulic towing winch with first layer performance of 180 tonnes brake holding load and pulls of 45 tonnes at 8 metres/minute (low speed) and 10.5 tonnes at 32 metres/minute (high speed).
Deck machinery on the aft deck also features Data Hidrolik equipment including a DTH 70-130 towing hook, DTP 12SH flush deck towing pins, and a DTW 45x180H split drum hydraulic towing winch with spooling gear featuring first layer performance of 180 tonnes brake holding load, and pulls of 45 tonnes at 8 metres/minute (low speed) and 10.5 tonnes at 32 metres/minute (high speed). Also, on the aft deck is a 28 T-m Toimil Garcia S.L. deck crane.
Ship-handling fenders at the bow consist of an upper row of 1,000 mm diameter cylindrical fender tapering to 800 mm diameter at the sides and a lower course of W-fender. This bow fendering system was engineered by Robert Allan Ltd. to meet the Owner’s requirement for < 20 T/m2 maximum fender pressure. 300 mm D-rubber lines the sheer strake and 300 mm thick W-fenders are fitted at the stern.
On trials, the vessels met or exceeded all performance requirements.
For more information on Robert Allan Ltd.’s RAmparts 2500-SD tugs please email: design@ral.ca.