Engineers in Motion – Jianbo Zhang, P.Eng.
July 12, 2017

Robert Allan Ltd. is pleased to announce that Mr. Jianbo Zhang has earned his accreditation as a Registered Professional Engineer with APEGBC (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia).
Jianbo has been working with Robert Allan Ltd. since 2010 as a Naval Architect, specializing in structure design with ShipConstructor production design among his other significant job duties.
Prior to this, he worked with a variety of organizations including the Chinese site office of the Greek Marine Technical Bureau, Seabridge Marine Contractors, DBC marine, and Wuhu Jiangdong Shipyard in China.
He obtained his education from Wuhan University of Technology with a B.Sc. (Naval Architecture) from 1985 to 1989.
He enjoys classical guitar and hiking in his spare time.