Engineers in Motion – Chin (Si Yun) Qin & Brendan Smoker

January 23, 2013

Chin (Si Yun) Qin, P.Eng.

Robert Allan Ltd. is very pleased to announce that Mr. Chin (Si Yun) Qin, an integral part of the Naval Architecture team at Robert Allan Ltd., has been awarded his accreditation as a Registered Professional Engineer with APEGBC (The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia). Chin has worked on many projects with a major emphasis on the design of vessel structures and is a key part of the Finite Element Analysis group. He is also responsible for maintaining the Class rules and standards in this office as part of the Robert Allan Ltd. Quality Assurance group, where he has been able to apply his years of vessel inspection experience as a Classification Society Surveyor.

Brendan Smoker, E.I.T.

Robert Allan Ltd. congratulates Mr. Brendan Smoker on successfully completing his Masters of Applied Science degree at the University of Victoria. Brendan’s thesis was on Escort Tug Performance Prediction: A CFD Method. This project was jointly sponsored by a partnership between Robert Allan Ltd., the University of Victoria and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Since completing his studies, Brendan has been working at Robert Allan Ltd. focussing on developing escort performance prediction methods as well as a variety of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) projects. This work has been very complementary to his post-graduate education at UVic as his course load covered topics such as CFD, advanced engineering math, fuel cell design, advanced vibration analysis, and aircraft design.